Telia Company

Looking Glass

IP address or prefix: Network: Router:

The Looking Glass allows you to run a limited set of commands (bgp, ping, trace) directly on our different routers.

Select the network and router you are interested in from the dropdown lists, then choose the type of query you want to perform:

  • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol – the core routing protocol of the Internet) queries allow you to see the routes available from the source address to “the specified routers" and to the destination IP address that you enter in the additional parameters field.
  • Ping queries show you the response time between the source address – the specified router – and the destination IP address that you enter in the additional parameters field.
  • Trace queries enable you to view the route taken by packets across an IP network between the source address – the specified router – and the destination IP address that you enter in the additional parameters field.

When you have selected the type of query and node, and filled the additional parameter field, press Run.